Syndan Character Profiles
Characters Full Name Characters Race and Sex Characters Age Personality Height and Weight Occupation Class(Peasent, Traveller, Assassin, Lord) Siblings Parents Birthplace Something unique about the character Hair Color Eye Color Skin Color Alighnment Build Traits Close Friends Interests Favorite Place to Hang Out Favorite Quote Enemies Guild or Clan Wife and kids Most valuable possession Husband and kids(If you left Wife and Kids blank) History As of now, he has no history. Or atleast to his reculection. Some 20 years again ((In elven age mind you.)) he was beaten to death. Then he was brought back to life by a witch and enslaved. She promised to bring back his memory if he worked for her. Then one day she did more than her word and went to d! eep into his personal space. That day he killed her and freed himself from her clutches. From then on he was on his own and has never trusted anyone since. He is still on his quest to find his history, which is why he has come to this place.